

We know you're a great writer!

But it's easy to fall asleep on duty. No matter how many times you proof your work, errors are evasive, simply because you're so deeply involved in it. You know your story, the characters, the landscape. But sometimes you miss something — time after time. That's when you need a pair of fresh eyes.

Writers, even the best of them, can fail to catch those pesky typos, tense changes, POV switches, and all the other little things that are currently preventing your manuscript from being as perfectly polished as it needs to be. It happens. Writers write. Editors edit. And proofreaders, well, you get the picture.

Your manuscript deserves nothing less than the best opportunity to impress an agent. Every error diminishes your chances of achieving publication. Mouseproof can help. Of course, anyone can create a blog and make such claims. And we certainly don't expect anyone to buy a pig in a poke, so we'd like to give you a a better idea of what we can do — absolutely FREE!

If you're currently working on a manuscript or a query letter, we'd love to see it. To take advantage of this offer, simply go to the FREEBIE! page for details.

(And yes, that's Billy, my personal mouse proofing device — when he's awake.)


We have a very narrow focus.

This specialization allows us to concentrate our efforts on what we do best. Rather than offering a multitude of services to cover every potential need, our services are limited to:

  • Writing — Our writing services include original manuscript creation. We can offer ghostwriting services or rewriting of your document. Contact us with the specifics of your project for a price estimate.
  • Full Editorial Review — A complete line edit and proofing of your document to check for spelling, punctuation, grammar, verb tense, point-of-view, sentence structure, voice, flow, continuity, and usage based on the Chicago Manual of Style.
      • Proofing Only — A complete proofreading for spelling and punctuation.
        We currently provide the above service for the following:
        • Picture Books / Early Readers / Chapter Books
        • Middle Grade / Young Adult
        • Query Letters
        In addition to our Creative Services Division, we also provide editing and proofreading services for Business Documents. Visit our Business page for more information.


        Everyone loves saving money!

        Our rates are competitive with similar service providers. They are based on the size of the project and the type of service involved. Following is a breakdown of how we charge.

        • FULL EDITORIAL REVIEW: $2.50 per page
        • PROOFING ONLY: $1.25 per page

        Query Letters
        • PROOFING ONLY: $14 
        • CREATE / REWRITE: $49


        We're here when you're ready.

        Are you ready to give us a shot at proving what we've been saying up to this point? If so, here's the deal. Simply email us a sample of your work.  We will do a FULL EDITORIAL REVIEW at no charge, just to give you an idea of how we can help your manuscript or query letter shine.

        Naturally, we have to put certain restrictions on this offer or we would be too busy doing pro bono work to have any time left for our clients. Keep your submission to a maximum of 300 words. It may be part of your early reader, chapter book, middle grade, or young adult creation, or it may be your query letter. It's up to you.

        In the subject line, please indicate: MOUSEPROOF FREE OFFER.
        Email it to:

        Give us a couple of days to get back with you. If you like what you see, we hope you will give us the opportunity to work on the rest of your manuscript.


        Keeping it simple. 

        In order to keep this process relatively intuitive, we've broken it down into a few easy-to-follow steps. Here we go. Keep in mind that FULL EDITORIAL REVIEW runs $2.50 per page. PROOFING ONLY is $1.25 per page. You can order either of these two services with a minimal deposit by clicking on the button below.

        Document Submittal:
        1. Type must be 12 pt, double spaced, with pages numbered.
        2. The document you submit must be a Microsoft Word .doc file.
        3. Email your document as an attachment to
        4. Type Mouseproof Order in the subject line.
        5. Use the buttons below to make a deposit to initiate the order.
        6. We will email you to verify the final price before starting.

        Any questions, call or email. (See Contact page.)

        PLEASE NOTE: The amounts shown in the drop down menu for Manuscripts are DEPOSIT ONLY. The full amount will be emailed to you before we begin work.
        If the amount is not acceptable, your deposit will be refunded immediately.



        Business Communications

        In addition to our Creative Writing Services, we also offer editing and proofreading for business documents. Whether your project involves a brochure, newsletter, advertising copy, web content, or customer communications, we can help.

        Our services in this area range from creation of the original document to final proofreading. Give us a call or an email, and we'll be happy to provide a cost estimate for exactly what you need.

        Michael C. Broadway BA, PMP

        Michael C. Broadway can best be described as creative. Not only is he a published author, he has extensive experience in the design and production of printed material of all types — from graphic design and book layout to copywriting, printing and binding.

        As a consultant, his writing and editing talents have been requested by national organizations for advertising copy as well as training manuals, newsletters, brochures, and corporate identity. His clients include Hallmark Cards, McDonald's, Sprint, JP Morgan, Chase, USMC, American Airlines, Prudential, and Disney, and have involved projects for print media as well as web content for digital delivery.

        Michael's current focus is in the children's literature arena, specifically middle grade and young adult works.


        Here are a few of the emails I've received since starting this service.

        This service is wonderful: such a quick turnaround, and good, solid advice that will make my writing much stronger once the changes are in place. Thanks so much, and for a fast and friendly service. — Terri Nixon

        In the frustrating world called, "Trying to Get Published," it helps to have the expertise and keen eye of Michael Broadway on your side. Although many folks had critiqued my work, Michael found nits that we all had overlooked. — Joyce P. Lansky

        I recommend Michael’s editing services to anyone looking for a professional editor. He completely blew my expectations out of the water. I’m thrilled with the results. Thank you Michael for such a great experience. — Leah Petersen

        One of the joys of writing is to pass your work to friends and family members who read it and say, ‘that was the best writing ever – don’t change a thing!’ And trust me, it would be easy to stay on the head-in-the-clouds-happy path. I had become so familiar with my storyline that I no longer connected to the overall message and missed some pretty common errors. Michael was both encouraging and critical in his review of my writing. Editing is what he does! — Jennifer Swan

        I have been in query-letter limbo for months now and was advised to re-write it (though I didn't have a strong handle on exactly how to go about it.) Then I discovered editor @sixtiesguy on Twitter who just happened to be offering help on what else? Query letters! So I checked out his website. Truthfully, I thought his service would be limited to a quick and simple critique but hey, an editor's opinion is an editor's opinion.I got far more than I had bargained for! Seriously, this guy can't be for real. Truly. NO ONE does what he did. First Michael sent me back PAGES of response. He broke my query letter down SECTION BY SECTION, highlighted the parts he thought needed to be cut, asked questions about the other. Then, the pièce de résistance: he put all of his notes together and REWROTE the query! Yes, you heard me. Rewrote it! Then after all that, Michael offered to look at my new draft - with his questions answered and incorporated in! And last, he's been kind enough to answer my back and forth email questions as I've worked toward polishing it. And for a limited time - it's FREE! If anyone else would even consider doing all of that for less than $100 I would be shocked. No one has time for anything unless they're being paid and paid well. Kinda nice someone still takes the time to care about the work and success of others.I would RUN not WALK to Michael. He far exceeds a class act. — Italia Trent

        I spent months researching query letters and polishing my own. I was therefore confident that Michael would not find anything substantial to say. I was wrong. Despite the very quick turn-around time, Michael clearly studied my submission closely and understood what the story was about. His suggestions for restructuring were very clever and would not have occurred to me. However, he didn't criticize for the sake of it: sections that were okay were acknowledged as such. Michael also demonstrated a practical knowledge of the whims of the industry; eg, regarding what to say about oneself—and what not to. My query will be better for it. — Peter McLennan (


        If you'd like more details, simply give us a call or shoot us an email.

        Phone: 913.787.3637
        Twitter: sixtiesguy

        We'll get back with you as soon as possible to answer your questions.